2024, 4-р сар 27, Бямба гариг Шилэн данс

Macroeconomic overview-December 2021

2022 оны 2-р сар 01, Мягмар гариг

In December, the national consumer price index increased by 2.1% compared to November 2021 and increased by 13.4% in the year to date. Annual inflation is 13.4%. The 13.4% increase in the consumer price index from the same period of the previous year was mainly contributed by 20.4% increase in prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages group (meat and meat products by 24.2% and non-alcoholic beverages by 11.9%), 6.9% increase in prices of alcoholic beverages and tobacco group, 6.6% increase in prices of clothing, cloth and footwear group, 15.3% increase in prices of housing, water, electricity, and fuels group, 7.5% increase in prices of medicine and medical service group and 21.6% increase in prices of transport group. For more details and figures please visit December Macroeconomic overview.


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