2024, 4-р сар 26, Баасан гариг Шилэн данс

The World Competitiveness Center celebrated its 30th anniversary

2019 оны 11-р сар 13, Лхагва гариг

Swiss-based the IMD World Competitiveness Center celebrated its 30th anniversary last month and Ms.Odonchimeg Ikhbayar, Deputy Director of the EPCRC attended the anniversary conference and congratulated the center as a partner institute in Mongolia.

The World Competitiveness Center has been measuring and comparing the competitiveness of nations since 1989 and produces the World Competitiveness Yearbook on an annual basis. This publication introduced a globally accepted methodology and uses a wide range of criteria and factors in measuring the competitiveness of nations.  

Founded by Professor Stephane Garelli, the center was first established 30 years ago and the EPCRC has been collaborating with them since 2010.

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