2024, 4-р сар 27, Бямба гариг Шилэн данс

Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network (GAIN) international conference 2017

2017 оны 12-р сар 12, Мягмар гариг

GAIN is initiated by the International Labour organization and 3rd GAIN international conference was held on 06-07 DEC 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. Our researcher Zolbayar.E participated in the conference.

GAIN members, key national policy makers, PAGE partners, UN agencies, national and international research institutions, and ILO officials participated in the conference.

During the conference, “How to measure and model social and employment outcomes of climate and sustainable development policies” training guidebook is launched. Participants also discussed about what policies countries are implementing and statistics challenges. Moreover, proper economic models for measuring employment outcomes of policy alternatives are presented.

Representatives from Philippines, Argentina, Namibia and USA shared their country experience among participants. Researchers introduced their studies on how sustainable development policies will affect employment of electricity, transport, forestry and energy sectors.

For more information, click here.

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