2025, 1-р сар 30, Пүрэв гариг Шилэн данс


2022 оны 10-р сар 17, Даваа гариг

Mongolia in World Digital Competitiveness Report 2022

The World Competitiveness Center (WCC) has released the "World Digital Competitiveness Report 2022". A total of 64 countries are included in the report, and the Economic Policy and Competitiveness Research Center works as an official partner organization that compiles Mongolia's data.

The World Digital Competitiveness Report shows how countries are adapting to digital innovations in government, business, and social environments. Let's see what the digital competitiveness of our country is from the research finding.

Research methodology:

The study calculated the competitiveness of digitalization according to three main criteria: knowledge, technology, and future readiness, and 9 sub-factors, totaling 52 criteria. Of the 52 indicators, 32 are based on statistical research, while the remaining 20 are based on executive opinion survey findings.


According to the finding of the report, Denmark ranked the 1st with 100 points in the Digital Competitiveness Index, while the United States, which was ranked 1 in the previous years, dropped 1 point to 2nd. Sweden has retained its previous position at number 3, Singapore has increased by 1 point to 4th place, and Switzerland and the Netherlands have increased by 1 point each. Finland was ranked the 13th in the previous report, while in this year's report it is ranked 7th, having increased by 4 points. In the 2021 report, Hong Kong was ranked the 2nd, having increased by 2 points, while in this year's report, it was ranked 9th, having decreased by 7 points. Canada is ranked 10th, up 3 positions, making it the top 10 countries in the world in terms of digital competitiveness.

Mongolia's digital competitiveness

Mongolia is ranked 62nd out of 64 countries in terms of digital competitiveness. In 2022, Mongolia's overall digital competitiveness score increased by 4.56 points from 40.69 in 2021 to 45.25 this year. Looking at the 3 main criteria, Mongolia was ranked 58th last year in the category of knowledge, this year it was ranked 61st, or 3 functions, while it was ranked 1 place higher in the category of technology and retained its ranking of the previous year in the category of readiness for the future.

Digital competitiveness of Mongolia - by Sub-Factors

In terms of digital competitiveness sub-groups, "Number of smartphone owners" and "Investment in the communication sector" are ranked the highest, while "Cyber ​​security", "Public-private partnership" and "Intellectual property legal framework" are ranked behind. Compared to last year, there was a decrease in all 9 sub-groups, except for 2 sub-groups: regulatory framework and adaptive attitude.

In past years' surveys, Mongolia performed relatively well in terms of investment in telecommunications, smartphone possession, the number of female researchers, training of employees, and women with educational degrees. The 2022 report also shows the same trend continued. However, the overall decrease in the digital competitiveness score was mainly caused by the lack of progress in indicators such as the development and application of technology, cyber security, international experience, intellectual property regulation, funds spent on research and development, and public-private partnerships.

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