2025, 2-р сар 04, Мягмар гариг Шилэн данс

Our team visited the Battambang province in Cambodia

2019 оны 8-р сар 27, Мягмар гариг

The Battambang province of Cambodia invited the Economic Policy and Competitiveness Research Center to learn experience in measuring and improving province competitiveness with the support from the GIZ. Within this framework, Lakshmi.B (the EPCRC Director General) and Ganbat.Ch (Researcher) visited the Battambang province of Cambodia on 19-22 August 2019.

Statistic data and survey questions are important for measuring competitiveness. Therefore, the EPCRC introduced competitiveness and its research experience and methodology to the province authorities and relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, we discussed what criteria should be used to measure the competitiveness of Battambang province districts and availability of data.

During the meeting, The Battambang provincial Deputy Governer expressed their interest to support the research by providing necessary data.

Photos in the Battambang province, Cambodia:

Photo 1. GIZ office in the Battambang

 Preparing for the meeting with the province officials

Meeting photos:

Photo-2: Lakshmi.B, EPCRC Director-General and GIZ staff in Battambang

Photo-3: Provincial Deputy Governer of Battambang

Photo-4: Explaining the competitiveness


Photo-5: Participants at the meeting

Photo-6: Outside of Battambang provincial administration building

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