2024, 4-р сар 25, Пүрэв гариг Шилэн данс

The EPCRC hosted Green Economy Corner at The Playtime International Live Music Festival

2019 оны 7-р сар 31, Лхагва гариг

The Economic Policy and Competitiveness Research Center (EPCRC) hosted “Green lifestyle & DIY” event as part of the Green Economy Coalition project at the Playtime International Live Music Festival on July 5th, 2019. During the event, there were three corners, namely:  Green Economy Education corner, aimed at increasing awareness on green economy and the research and publications that the EPCRC released, Entertainment and Youth Voice corner, where the participants were able to take part in different games and actions and lastly  DIY: Lets plant ourselves corner aimed at reducing plastic waste among young people.  These activities urged young people to be conscious and eco-friendly.

At the end of the event, we invited Ms.Tegshbayar.B, founder and host of the UNLOCK podcast host to have a discussion session regarding minimalist and green lifestyle.

For more information about green economy please visit www.nogoonhutuch.mn

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